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Posted On: 3 January 2024 10:26 pm
Updated On: 3 January 2024 10:34 pm

Qatar strongly condemns two explosions in Kerman City, Iran

Cassandra Pallagud
Cassandra Pallagud
Content Writer
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Qatar strongly condemns two explosions kerman city iran

The Minsitry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar has released a statement on 3 January 2024 strongly condemning the two explosions that took place in the city of Kerman in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The statement reads as follows:

The State of Qatar expresses its strong condemnation of the explosions that took place near the cemetery of the city of Kerman in the Islamic Republic of Iran and led to deaths and injuries.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterates the State of Qatar's position on rejecting violence, terrorism and criminal acts, regardless of the motives and reasons.

The Ministry expresses the condolences of the State of Qatar to the families of the victims, the government and the people of Iran, and its wishes for a speedy recovery of the injured.

Source and cover image credit: Minsitry of Foreign Affairs - Qatar