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Posted On: 29 June 2024 08:23 pm

Qatar strongly condemns Israel's decision to expand settlements in the West Bank

Cassandra Pallagud
Cassandra Pallagud
Content Writer
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Qatar strongly condemns israels expand settlements west bank

The State of Qatar strongly condemns the Israeli occupation's decision to expand settlements in the West Bank, and considers it a new episode in its ongoing series of violations of international legitimacy resolutions, especially Security Council Resolution No. 2334.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms that the occupation's policy of expanding settlements and forcibly displacing the Palestinian people, in addition to its brutal war and the ongoing attacks on the Gaza Strip, constitute an obstacle to efforts aimed at preventing the expansion of the cycle of violence in the region and achieving a comprehensive and just peace.

In this context, it stresses the need for the international community to line up to pressure the Israeli occupation to stop its unilateral measures and comply with resolutions and international legitimacy, especially at this precise time.

The Ministry reiterates the firm and permanent position of the State of Qatar in supporting the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian people, based on international legitimacy resolutions and the two-state solution, ensuring the establishment of the Palestinian state independent on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Source and cover image credit: Ministry of Foreign Affairs