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Posted On: 16 May 2024 07:42 pm

Qatar condemns Israeli Minister's call for activating settlement in Gaza Strip and preventing entry of aid

Fareeha Imtiaz
Fareeha Imtiaz
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Qatar condemns israeli ministers call activating settlement gaza strip preventing entry aid

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on 16 May 2024, condemning the statements made by the Israeli Minister of National Security, which called for activating settlement in the Gaza Strip and preventing entry of development aid.

The statement was as follows:

The State of Qatar strongly condemns the statements of the Israeli Minister of National Security, in which he called for activating settlement in the Gaza Strip and preventing the entry of development aid into the Strip, and stresses in this regard that expanding settlements is in violation of international legitimacy resolutions. Especially Security Council Resolution No. 2334, which also prohibits the entry of humanitarian aid in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms that these reprehensible statements clearly reflect the occupation policy based on expanding settlements, the forced displacement of the Palestinian people, and the use of food as a weapon as part of its renewed brutal crimes and the brutal freedom of Gaza.

In this context, it warns that the occupation continues to disdain international laws, especially international and humanitarian law.

Imposing the logic of force and fait accompli will ultimately destroy the chances of the desired peace, especially with the continuation of the war on the Gaza Strip and its horrific humanitarian repercussions.

The Ministry stresses the need for the international community to line up at this precise time to ensure the safe, sustainable and unhindered entry of humanitarian aid into all areas of the Gaza Strip to avoid further atrocities and horrors against civilians, especially children and women.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterates the firm and permanent position of the State of Qatar in supporting the Palestinian cause and the steadfastness of the brotherly Palestinian people. Based on international legitimacy resolutions and the two-state solution, ensuring the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Source & cover image credit: MoFA