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Posted On: 8 June 2024 07:44 pm
Updated On: 8 June 2024 07:46 pm

Indian Embassy in Qatar warns of fake school admissions messages

Cassandra Pallagud
Cassandra Pallagud
Content Writer
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Indian embassy qatar warns fraudulent school admissions messages

The Embassy of India in Doha, Qatar has issued a warning to the public regarding fraudulent messages or press releases of admissions in Indian schools being circulated in social media and the Indian community. The statement was published on its official social media accounts on 8 June 2024.

The embassy clarifies that the entity has not released any communications of any kind regarding the topic and advises the public to ignore these messages and refrain from giving out personal information.

For any information or clarification, the embassy requests the concerned to contact [email protected] or [email protected]

Source and cover image credit: Embassy of India - Qatar