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Posted On: 27 June 2024 09:48 am
Updated On: 27 June 2024 12:05 pm

Ministry holds hawksbill sea turtle release campaign on Fuwairit Beach

Cassandra Pallagud
Cassandra Pallagud
Content Writer
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Ministry hawksbill sea turtles release campaign fuwairit beach

H.E. Minister of Environment and Climate Change Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Turki Al Subaie attended the launch of a campaign to release endangered hawksbill turtles on Fuwairit Beach on 26 June 2024.

In attendance were officials from the Armed Forces' Directorate of Environment.

Sea turtle release campaign Qatar
Image credit: Ministry of Environment and Climate Change

A number of school students and specialized centers participated in the campaign, which aimed to raise environmental awareness among the youth and the Qatari community and emphasize the importance of preserving biodiversity, especially endangered species.

The campaign also introduces the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change's efforts to increase turtle numbers during the breeding season. During the last two weeks of the nesting phase, specialized teams transferred more than 125 nests to Fuwairit Beach.

During the campaign, His Excellency the Minister honored a number of ministry employees, volunteers, and residents of areas adjacent to the nesting sites who contributed to preserving turtles' lives by communicating with specialized teams to report nesting operations outside the designated areas.

In this context, Wildlife Development Department Director Mohamed Al Khanji confirmed that the 2024 sea turtle nesting season saw an increase in the number of nesting and reproduction, with specialized teams transferring nests to Fuwairit Beach, which has been designated for turtle nesting since 2020.

He noted the increase in nesting operations in recent weeks after the end of the winter camping season.

Al Khanji praised the keenness of the residents of the neighboring areas to protect the lives of turtles and their communication with the Ministry to transfer them to the designated places, pointing in this context to the increased awareness among segments of Qatari society and the success of the environmental awareness plans carried out by the Ministry in their objectives.

Source: Qatar News Agency
Cover image credit: Ministry of Environment and Climate Change